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New products launch on 61th CIPM (Autumn 2021)


On November 2, 2021, the 61st (Autumn 2021) China National Pharmaceutical Machinery Exposition & China International Pharmaceutical Machinery Exposition (CIPM) was held in Chengdu. In this exhibition, TAILIN exhibited systematic product solutions for medical and health, food safety, disease prevention and control, biosafety, inspection and quarantine, bioengineering, laboratory animals, and environmental protection. Additionally, some new products that have not been released before were shown as well.



【New Products】

  • New Generation VHP sterilization equipments 

The dry VHPS? generator developed by TAILIN has been widely used in the fields of biosafety, medical treatment and pharmaceutical engineering. It has been accepted by many authoritative institutions such as Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zhejiang Microbiology Institute, CFDA and Hangzhou Institute of Medical Device Testing. So far, more than 1,500 units of VHPS generator and other disinfection equipments have been delivered.

  • Aseptic Isolator CST-LG4

The CST series of aseptic isolators is primarily used for the protection of critical processes such as aseptic testing, aseptic dispensing and cell culture. It reduces the risk of exogenous contamination and cross-contamination by means of physical barrier, VHP sterilization and continuous Class A environment. A variety of functional components can be integrated to achieve process operations under closed conditions and meet GMP requirements.



During the exhibition, three experts from TAILIN also shared their great reports and actively exchanged industry information with industry insiders.


【Reports Theme】

  • Zhenbo ZHAO, General Manager at TAILIN Medical Engineering R&D Center -- Design and Application of Isolator for Highly Active Drugs

  • Bing HAN, Chief Cell Therapy Specialist at TAILIN Medical Engineering -- Sterility assurance for commercial production of ATMP

  • Haiqian ZHANG, Product Manager at TAILIN Medical Engineering R&D Center -- Automated Data Integrity Solution for Pharmaceutical Microbiological Testing



TAILIN will continue to provide more cutting-edge product solutions for our customers, empowering biopharmaceuticals and leading innovative development.

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