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TAILIN fight against the COVID-19 with 1.4 billion people

As a national high-tech enterprise specializing in providing "disinfection equipment and disinfectants", TAILIN has been providing hydrogen peroxide disinfection machines at the critical moment of the corona virus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in China.



Now, the pandemic has become normalized in the whole world. The injection of the COVID-19 vaccine has become a crucial way to protect human health.


At the beginning of 2021, TAILIN received a directional purchase order from the Wuhan Institute of biological products for the "phase II expansion project of COVID-19 vaccine”. After receiving the instruction, TAILIN immediately made every effort to increase our production capacity and actively participated in the vaccine project. Fortunately, the result was not disappointing that hundreds of millions of people in China have been successfully vaccinated against the COVID-19, and the pandemic in China has been effectively prevented and controlled in time. It's an honor that TAILIN can contribute to the country's fight against corona virus disease. Moreover, it also demonstrates our hardcore strength of "Made in China" from another point of view.


The test of the pandemic to the world still continues, as a leading enterprise in the field of microbiology detection and control in China, TAILIN will constantly strengthen our R &D ability to provide professional solutions in the fields of vaccine production, biosafety, aseptic control, hospital infection prevention & control, inspection and quarantine, etc.

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