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Zhejiang Tailin Medical Engineering Co., Ltd. is s a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhejiang Tailin Bioengineering Co., LTD.

In 2002, we successfully developed the first unit of aseptic isolator in China, which has been widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.

As a national high-tech enterprise, we pay high attention to scientific and technological innovation and research. It has a provincial enterprise research institute.

Tailin Medical Engineering undertakes the National Major Innovation Plan t “Development and Application of Advanced Intelligent Sterility Test Pump”

In addition, we are also involved in the projects of “Safety Protection Technology and Products for High Grade Pathogenic Microorganism Laboratory” and “occupational disease hazard protection technology and equipment for labor-intensive clean workshop”.

Up to today, Tailin has obtained more than 10 national invention patents

Tailin Medical Engineering has unique technical advantages in aseptic isolator, containment isolator, sterile transfer and vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHPS) decontamination technology.

  • Sterile Assurance
    Sterile Assurance
  • Cell Therapy
    Cell Therapy
  • Toxic Protection
    Toxic protection
  • Complete inspection
    Complete inspection
  • Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide Disinfection
    Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide Disinfection
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