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Clean Room/ Laboratory Sterilization

I. Biosafety Laboratory (BSL) Sterilization

Biosafety laboratory also need to be sterilized. 

Compared with traditional methods, vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHPS)  shows a stronger sterilization effect on building surfaces and air.

The VHPS will be distributed uniformly in the laboratory space maintaining a certain concentration level and for a certain period

 to obtain the desired  sterilization effect.

The whole process is remotely controlled including parameter setting, start and stop operations.

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II. Biosafety Cabinet (BSC) Sterilization

Biological safety cabinet need to be thoroughly disinfected when the exhaust HEPA filters are replaced, 

serious internal contamination occurs, or opening for maintenance.

Vaporized hydrogen peroxide sterilization (VHPS) technology is used to replace traditional formaldehyde fumigation.

A VHPS-Cover hood was designed for the BSC sterilization. It has the VHPS circulation pipeline

 and installed in the temperature, humidity and pressure senors for monitoring 

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III.HEPA Filters Sterilization In-Place (SIP)

Exhaust HEPA filters in high level biosafety laboratories should be“ sterilizable in place" and the VHPS provides a high level sterilization solution. A VHPS-Cover has been designed for ceiling mounting. 

It has the VHPS circulation pipeline and installed in the temperature, humidity and pressure senors for monitoring. 

The cover is sealed to the ceiling by sealing tape to prevent leakage.

                           HEPA sterilization.jpg

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