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Auto Sampler ASE-18C
Auto Sampler ASE-18C
Auto Sampler ASE-18C

ASE-18C autosampler can be used together with all laboratory TOC made by TAILIN.

It allows up to 18 vials of samples to be dispensed in one completely unattended run.

  • Easy to use, no need special training.

  • Unattended,fully automatic process when connecting to the TOC analyzers made by TAILIN.

  • Recognize the empty vial automatically, minimize the air suction.

  • Sampling mode: online mode OR timing mode (1-99 min. can be set).

Technical Parameters

Power supply: (100-240)VAC, 50Hz/60Hz

Power consumption: 40W
Sampling quantity: 18 vials each test

Dimensions: 31cm x 24cm x 28cm


Used together with the laboratory TOC analyzers made by TAILIN for automatic sampling.



Technical specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright reserved by Tailin.

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