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Sterility Test Pump HTY-APL02
Sterility Test Pump HTY-APL02
Sterility Test Pump HTY-APL02

The tube is Straight in and Straight Out, pump head locked automatically


Tube Straight in and Straight Out, locked automatically.

Safety hood to avoid glove bite.

Stepless Speed Control with speed memory function.

Glass touch panel which is easy to clean.

Overpressure protection.

Foot switch.

Rotable canister holder for easy operation.

Technical Parameters

1. Power Supply:AC 220V//50Hz 

2. Power Consumption:90W

3. Speed:15-300rpm

4. Height (incl. hanger rod):43cm

5. Net Weight:16kg

6. Dimensions:22.5×40.0×11.2cm


Used together with the sterility test canister for closed membrane filtration sterility testing



Technical specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright reserved by Tailin.

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