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VHPS Generator HTY-V88
VHPS Generator HTY-V88
VHPS Generator HTY-V88

HTY-V88 converts the 35% food grade H2O2 liquid in gaseous by flash evaporation technology. The complete cycle includes pre-heat, adjusting, sterilization and ventilation.


Stainless steel shell for easily clean

Low temperature sterilization

Ultra-compact design even can be put in car trunk, easy to move.

Split touch screen for remote control

6-Log reduction rate

Good chemical compatibility


H2O2 high & low concentration sensors

H2O2 portable sensor for operator safety

Material compatibility test

Validation protocols (IQ, OQ, Cycle Development) and service


Biological Safety Lab

Hospital ward and ICU

Hospital Bacteria Control

Clean rooms



Technical specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright reserved by Tailin.

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